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1130 Junction Dr. Suite 121 Allen, TX 75013 800-399-6891
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About Centric RF
New Facility for Centric RF
ISO Certification
Our Management Team
Testing Capabilities
Schleuniger Cable Stripper
Contact Us
Tech References
Calibration Services
Clocking With Custom Cable Assemblies
Coaxial Jamb Nut Torque Recommendations
Cable Loss & Properties
Interface Guide
Mating 3.5mm, 2.92mm, & SMA Connectors; Also 2.4mm to 1.85mm connectors
Power Handling; Connectors
Torque Specifications
VSWR vs. Return Loss
Terms and Conditions
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
ISO Certified
Conflict Materials
Purchase Order Terms
ROHS Compliance
Counterfeit Parts
Privacy Policy
Shipping & Returns
Shop By Category
1.0mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.0mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.35mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.85mm Adapters
1.0mm to 2.92mm Adapters
1.0mm to SMA Adapters
1.0 to Waveguide Adapters
1.35mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.00 mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.35 mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.85 mm Adapters
1.85mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.0mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.35mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.85mm Adapters
1.85mm to 2.4mm Adapters
1.85mm to 2.92mm Adapters
1.85mm to 3.5mm Adapters
1.85mm to MiniSMP Adapters
1.85mm to N Adapters
1.85mm to SMA Adapters
1.85mm to Waveguide Adapters
1.0/2.3 Adapters
1.0/2.3 to N Adapters
1.0/2.3 to SMA Adapters
2.2-5 Adapters
2.2-5 to 2.2-5 Adapters
2.2-5 to 4.3/10 Adapters
2.2-5 to 7/16 Adapters
2.2-5 to N Adapters
2.2-5 to SMA Adapters
2.4mm Adapters
2.92mm to 1.0mm Adapters
2.4mm to 1.85mm Adapters
2.4mm to 2.4mm Adapters
2.4mm to 2.4mm Flange & Bulkhead Adapters
2.4mm to 2.92mm Adapters
2.4mm to 3.5mm Adapters
2.4mm to MiniSMP Adapters
2.4mm to N Adapters
2.4mm to SMA Adapters
2.4mm to SMP Adapters
2.4mm to Waveguide Coaxial Adapters
2.92mm Adapters
2.92mm to 1.85mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.4mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.92mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.92mm Flange & Bulkhead Adapters
2.92mm to 3.5mm Adapters
2.92mm to Mini SMP Adapters
2.92mm to N Adapters
2.92mm to SMA Adapters
2.92mm to SSMA Adapters
2.92mm to SMP Adapters
2.92mm to SMPS Adapters
2.92mm to Waveguide
3.5mm Adapters
3.5mm to 1.85mm Adapters
3.5mm to 2.4mm Adapters
3.5mm to 2.92mm Adapters
3.5mm to 3.5mm Adapters
3.5mm to 7mm APC7 Adapters
3.5mm to N Adapters
3.5mm to SMA Adapters
4.1/9.5 Adapters
4.1/9.5 to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
4.1/9.5 to 7/16 Din Adapters
4.1/9.5 to N Adapters
4.3/10 Adapters
4.3/10 to 2.2-5 Adapters
4.3/10 to 4.3/10 Adapters
4.3/10 to 7/16 Adapters
4.3/10 to N Adapters
4.3/10 to SMA Adapters
7/16 DIN Adapters
7/16 to 2.2-5 Adapters
7/16 to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
7/16 to 4.3/10 Adapters
7/16 to 7/16 Adapters
7/16 to HN Adapters
7/16 to N Adapters
7/16 to SC Adapters
7/16 to SMA Adapters
7/16 to Waveguide Adapters
7mm APC7 Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to 10-32 Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to BNC Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to SMA Adapters
BMA to SMA Adapters
BNC Adapters
BNC to 10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
BNC to BNC Adapters
BNC to C Adapters
BNC to F Adapters
BNC to HN Adapters
BNC to MHV Adapters
BNC to N Adapters
BNC to SMA Adapters
BNC to SMB Adapters
BNC to SMC Adapters
C Adapters
C to BNC Adapters
C to N Adapters
Hermetic Adapters
HN Adapters
HN to 7/16 Adapters
HN to BNC Adapters
HN to HN Adapters
HN to N Adapters
HN to SMA Adapters
MCX Adapters
F Adapters
F to BNC Adapters
F to F Adapters
F to N Adapters
F to SMA Adapters
MHV Adapters
MHV to BNC Adapters
MHV to MHV Adapters
MHV to SHV Adapters
MMBX Adapters
MMCX Adapters
MiniSMP Adapters
MiniSMP to 1.85mm Adapters
MiniSMP to 2.4mm Adapters
MiniSMP to 2.92mm Adapters
MiniSMP to SMA Adapters
MiniSMP to MiniSMP Adapters Bullets
N Adapters
N to 1.85mm Adapters
N to 1.0/2.3 Adapters
N to 2.2-5 Adapters
N to 2.4mm Adapters
N to 2.92mm Adapters
N to 3.5mm Adapters
N to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
N to 4.3/10 Adapters
N to 7/16 Adapters
N to 7mm APC7 Adapters
N to BNC Adapters
N to C Adapters
N to F Adapters
N to HN Adapters
N to N Straight Adapters
N to N 75-75ohm & 50-75ohm Adapters
N to N Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
N to N Right Angle Adapters
N to QMA Adapters
N to SC Adapters
N to SMA Adapters
N to SMA Adapters Right Angle
N to SMA Bulkhead Adapters
N to SMA Flange Adapters
N to TNC Adapters
N to Waveguide Adapters
QMA Adapters
QMA to N Adapters
QMA to QMA Adapters
QMA to SMA Adapters
Reverse Polarity Adapters
SC Adapters
SC to 7/16 Adapters
SC to N Adapters
SC to SC Adapters
SHV Adapters
SHV to SHV Adapters
SHV to MHV Adapters
SMA Adapters
SMA to 1.0mm Adapters
SMA to 2.2-5 Adapters
SMA to 1.0/2.3 Adapters
SMA to 10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
SMA to 1.85mm Adapters
SMA to 2.4mm Adapters
SMA to 2.92mm Adapters
SMA to 3.5mm Adapters
SMA to 4.3/10 Adapters
SMA to 7/16 Adapters
SMA to 7mm APC7 Adapters
SMA to BMA Adapters
SMA to BNC Adapters
SMA to F Adapters
SMA to HN Adapters
SMA to MCX Adapters
SMA to MMBX Adapters
SMA to MMCX Adapters
SMA to Mini-SMP Adapters
SMA to N Adapters
SMA to N Right Angle Adapters
SMA to N Bulkhead Adapters
SMA to N Flange Adapters
SMA to QMA Adapters
SMA to SMA 18ghz Adapters Straight
SMA to SMA Bulkhead Adapters 18ghz
SMA to SMA Flange Adapters 18Ghz
SMA to SMA 27ghz Adapters Straight
SMA to SMA 27Ghz Bulkhead & Flange
SMA to SMA 45°, 90°, Swept, T Adapters
SMA to SMB Adapters
SMA to SMC Adapters
SMA to SMP Adapters
SMA to SMP Bulkhead Flange
SMA to SSMA Adapters
SMA to SSMB Adapters
SMA to SSMC Adapters
SMA to TNC Adapters
SMA to TNC Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
SMA to U.FL Adapters
SMA to Waveguide Adapters
SMB Adapters
SMB to SMA Adapters
SMB to SMB Adapters
SMB to BNC Adapters
SMC Adapters
SMC to BNC Adapters
SMC to SMA Adapters
SMP Adapters
SMP to 2.4mm Adapters
SMP to 2.92mm Adapters
SMP to SMA Adapters
SMP to SMA Bulkhead, Flange
SMP to SMP Adapters
SMPS Adapters
SSMA Adapters
SSMA to 2.92mm Adapters
SSMA to SMA Adapters
SSMB Adapters
SSMC Adapters
TNC Adapters
TNC to BNC Adapters
TNC to N Adapters
TNC to SMA Adapters
TNC to SMA Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
TNC to TNC Adapters
TNC to TNC Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
U.FL Adapters
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR10 WR12 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR15 WR19 WR22 Waveguide to Coaxial Adapters
WR28 WR34 WR42 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR51 WR62 WR75 WR90 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR102 WR112 WR137 WR159 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR187 WR229 WR284 WR340 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR430 WR510 WR650 WR770 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR975 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WRD110 WRD180 WRD200 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD250 WRD350 WRD500 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD580 WRD650 WRD750 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD840 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
1.00mm Attenuators
1.85mm Attenuators
2.2-5 Attenuators
2.4mm Attenuators
2.92mm Attenuators
2.92mm Attenuators 2 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 5 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 10 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 20 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 50 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 100 Watts
3.5mm Attenuators
4.3/10 Attenuators
4.3/10 Attenuators 2 Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 15Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 50Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 100Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 300 Watts Low PIM
7/16 DIN Attenuators
BNC Attenuators
N Attenuators
N 6GHZ 2Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 2Watt Round Attenuators
N 6GHZ 5Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 5Watt Round Attenuators
N 6GHZ 10Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 10 Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 25Watt Round Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 25Watt Conduction Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 25Watt Round Attenuators
N 3GHZ 50Watt Round Attenuators
N 4Ghz 50Watt Square Attenuators
N 8Ghz 50Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 50 Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 50 Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 100Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 100 Watt Conduction Square Atten
N 18GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 100Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 150Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 150 Watt Square Attenuators
N 4Ghz 200Watt Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 200Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 250 Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 250 Watt Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 250Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 250Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 8 GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 2.5GHZ 1000Watt Square Attenuators
SMA Attenuators
SMA 3GHZ 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 27Ghz 2 Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 5Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 5Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 8GHZ 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 8Ghz 25Watt Round Attenuators
SMA 8.5GHZ 25Watt Conduction Cooled Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 25Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 50Watt Round Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 50Watt Square Attenuators
SMA 8Ghz 100Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 100Watt Attenuators
TNC Attenuators
TNC Attenuators 2 Watts
TNC Attenuators 250 Watts
Waveguide Attenuators
Bias T's
Cable Assemblies
1.0mm Cable Assemblies
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Flexible
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Formable
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Armored
1.35mm Cable Assemblies
10-32 Microdot Cable Assemblies
1.85mm Cable Assemblies
65 Ghz 1.85mm-1.85mm Formable Cable
67 Ghz 1.85-1.85 Flexible L Loss Phase Stable
67 Ghz 1.85-1.85 Armored Flexible L Loss P Stable
70 Ghz 047 1.85mm-1.85mm Flexible
2.4mm Cable Assemblies
40 Ghz 086 2.4 to 2.92 Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.4 to 2.92 Flexible Low Loss Phase Stable
50 Ghz .047 2.4mm Flexible Cables
50 Ghz 086 2.4mm Flexible Interconnect
50 Ghz 2.4mm Flexible Low Loss Phase Stable
50 Ghz 2.4mm Test L Loss P Stable Aramid Jacket
2.92mm Cable Assemblies
40 Ghz 2.92mm .047 Flexible Cables
40 Ghz 2.92mm - 2.4mm 086 Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - 2.4mm Flexible L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Formable Cables
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.92mm Flexible L Loss P Stable Temp/Flex
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Flexible Tight Curve Cables
40 Ghz 2.92mm Ultra Flexible L Loss P Stable
2.92mm Flexible Test Cables
40 Ghz 2.92 HP160 Flexible Cables L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 2.92mm Armored Test Cables L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 2.92mm Test Aramid L Loss P Stable Jacket
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - Mini SMP 047 Flexible Cable
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - Mini SMP 086 Flexible Cable
40 Ghz 2.92 to SMP Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
4.1/9.5 Cable Assemblies
4.3/10 Cable Assemblies
2.7Ghz Low PIM 4.3/10 Cable Assemblies
3Ghz Low PIM 4.3/10 Corrugated Cable Assemblies
7/16 Cable Assemblies
2.7Ghz Low PIM 7/16 Cable Assemblies
3Ghz Low PIM 7/16 Corrugated Cable Assemblies
BNC Cable Assemblies
N Cable Assemblies
0-6Ghz N Cables
2.7ghz Low PIM N-N
18Ghz Armored N LL Phase Stable
18Ghz High Power LL Phase Stable Over Temp N-N
18GHz Test Low Loss N-N
18GHz Test Low Loss Phase Stable N-N
18GHZ Test Super-Flexible N-N
18ghz Armored Test Flexible N-SMA
18ghz Test Super-Flexible N-SMA
18GHZ N Custom Cables LL142 LL335i
SMA Cable Assemblies
0-6Ghz SMA Flexible Cables
8-18Ghz SMA Cables
27Ghz SMA Cables
SMP Cable Assemblies
18 Ghz 047 SMP R Angle to SMP R Angle Flexible
18 Ghz 047 SMP to SMP R Angle Formable
18 Ghz 047 SMP R Angle to SMP R Angle Formable
18Ghz 086 SMP to SMA Flexible
18Ghz 086 SMP R Angle to SMA Flexible
18Ghz 086 SMP to SMP Flexible
27Ghz 047 SMP to SMA Flexible
40 Ghz SMP to 2.92 Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
40 Ghz SMP to Mini SMP Flexible
40 Ghz SMP to SMP Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
MINI SMP Cable Assemblies
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) RA Mini-SMP to SMA
27 Ghz 047 Mini SMP to SMA
27 Ghz 047 Right Angle Mini SMP to SMA
27ghz Flexible RG405(086) Mini-SMP to SMA
40 Ghz Mini SMP to 2.92 mm
40 Ghz Mini SMP to Mini SMP 047
40 Ghz Mini SMP to SMP 061
TNC Cable Assemblies
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz Misc
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz Times MW or Eq
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz 75 ohm
Raw (Bulk) Cable <40 Ghz
Cable Assemblies Builder
10-32 Cable/PCB Connectors
1.85mm Connectors
2.2-5 Cable Connectors
2.4mm Cable Connectors
2.92mm Cable Connectors
3.5mm Cable Connectors
4.3/10 Cable Connectors
7/16 Din Cable Connectors
BMA Connectors
BNC Cable Connectors
End Launch SMA, 2.92, 2.4, 1.85, 1.0
MCX Cable Connectors
MiniBNC Cable Connectors
MiniSMP Cable Connectors
MMCX Cable Connectors
N Cable Connectors
<6 Ghz
<18 Ghz
NEX10 Cable Connectors
QMA Cable Connectors
SMA Cable Connectors
<6 Ghz
>6 Ghz
SMA Thread In Mounting Connectors
SMB Cable Connectors
SMC Cable Connectors
SMP Connectors
SSMA Cable Connectors
SSMC Cable Connectors
TNC Cable Connectors
Vertical Launch Connectors
1.85mm Couplers
2.92mm Couplers
4.3/10 Couplers
N Couplers
SMA Couplers
SMA Dual Dir. Couplers
DC Blocks
1.85mm 2.4mm 2.92mm SMA DC Blocks
BNC, F, N, and TNC DC Blocks
Dust Caps, Opens
Dust Caps 1.85mm 2.4mm
Dust Caps 4.1/9.5 4.3/10 7/16
Dust Caps BNC, N, TNC
Dust Caps QMA
Dust Caps SMA, 3.5mm, 2.92mm
Angle Adapters
Boot Assemblies
Butterfly Hangars
Grounding Kits
Hoisting Grips
Round Member Adapters
Snap In Hangars
Stackable Support Blocks
Stacked Cable Clamp
Stand Off Adapters
Weatherproofing Kits
Impedance Matching Pads
Single Junction
Dual Junction
Launch Accessories
Network (Commercial) Grade
Network Grade Adapters
BNC Network Grade Adapters
N Network Grade Adapters
Reverse Polarity Network Grade Adapters
SMA Network Grade Adapters
TNC Network Grade Adapters
Network Grade Cables
N Network Grade Cables
SMA Network Grade Cables
Phase Shifters & Trimmers
Pick-off Tee
Power Dividers
1.85mm Dividers
2.4mm Dividers
2.92mm Dividers
3.5mm Dividers
4.3/10 Dividers
BNC Dividers
N Dividers
Resistive Power Dividers
SMA Dividers 2 Way
SMA Dividers 3 Way
SMA Dividers 4 Way
SMA Dividers 6 Way
SMA Dividers 8 Way
SMA Dividers 16 Way
Rotary Joints
Terminations & Loads
1.0 Terminations
1.0/2.3 Terminations
1.35mm Terminations
1.85mm Terminations
2.2-5 Terminations
2.4mm Terminations
2.92mm Terminations
3.5mm Terminations
4.1/9.5 MiniDin Terminations
4.3/10 Terminations
7/16 DIN Terminations
BNC terminations
F Terminations
MiniSMP terminations
N Terminations
N 2Watt Terminations / Loads
N 5 to 50 Watt Terminations & Loads
N 100 & 150 Watt Terminations & Loads
N 250 Watt Terminations & Loads
NEX10 Terminations™
Reverse Polarity Terminations
QMA Terminations
SMA Terminations
SMA Terminations (Loads) 6 - 18ghz 1 & 2 Watts
SMA 6 -18ghz 5 to 100 Watt Terminations
SMA 27ghz Terminations
SMP Terminations / Loads
SSMA Terminations
SSMC Terminations
TNC Terminations
Waveguide Terminations
Tools SMP MiniSMP
Torque Wrenches
1.0 1.35 1.85 2.92 2.4 3.5 Torque Wrenches
2.2-5 Torque Wrenches
4.1/9.5 & 4.3/10 Torque Wrenches
7/16 DIN Torque Wrenches
7mm Torque Wrenches
N Torque Wrenches
NEX10™ Torque Wrenches
SMA Torque Wrenches & Screwdrivers
SSMA Torque Wrenches
SMC & SSMC Torque Wrenches
TNC Torque Wrenches
Waveguide Attenuators
Waveguide Gain Horn Antennas
Waveguide to Coax
Waveguide Straight Section
Waveguide Terminations
Clearance Adapters 0-18Ghz
Clearance Adapters 27-65Ghz
Clearance Cables SMA - BNC
Clearance Cables 6Ghz N LMR240
Clearance Cables 6Ghz SMA LMR200
Clearance Cables 3ghz RG316 SMA-SMA
Clearance Cables 3ghz RG316DS SMA-SMA
Clearance Cables 0-12Ghz
Clearance Cables 12-67Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 3Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 6Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 18Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 40Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 50Ghz
Clearance Terminations
Clearance Misc
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Centric RF
Southwest Microwave
Times Microwave
Huber Suhner
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Main Menu
About Centric RF
New Facility for Centric RF
ISO Certification
Our Management Team
Testing Capabilities
Schleuniger Cable Stripper
Contact Us
Tech References
Calibration Services
Clocking With Custom Cable Assemblies
Coaxial Jamb Nut Torque Recommendations
Cable Loss & Properties
Interface Guide
Mating 3.5mm, 2.92mm, & SMA Connectors; Also 2.4mm to 1.85mm connectors
Power Handling; Connectors
Torque Specifications
VSWR vs. Return Loss
Terms and Conditions
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
ISO Certified
Conflict Materials
Purchase Order Terms
ROHS Compliance
Counterfeit Parts
Privacy Policy
Shipping & Returns
Shop By Category
1.0mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.0mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.35mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.85mm Adapters
1.0mm to 2.92mm Adapters
1.0mm to SMA Adapters
1.0 to Waveguide Adapters
1.35mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.00 mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.35 mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.85 mm Adapters
1.85mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.0mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.35mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.85mm Adapters
1.85mm to 2.4mm Adapters
1.85mm to 2.92mm Adapters
1.85mm to 3.5mm Adapters
1.85mm to MiniSMP Adapters
1.85mm to N Adapters
1.85mm to SMA Adapters
1.85mm to Waveguide Adapters
1.0/2.3 Adapters
1.0/2.3 to N Adapters
1.0/2.3 to SMA Adapters
2.2-5 Adapters
2.2-5 to 2.2-5 Adapters
2.2-5 to 4.3/10 Adapters
2.2-5 to 7/16 Adapters
2.2-5 to N Adapters
2.2-5 to SMA Adapters
2.4mm Adapters
2.92mm to 1.0mm Adapters
2.4mm to 1.85mm Adapters
2.4mm to 2.4mm Adapters
2.4mm to 2.4mm Flange & Bulkhead Adapters
2.4mm to 2.92mm Adapters
2.4mm to 3.5mm Adapters
2.4mm to MiniSMP Adapters
2.4mm to N Adapters
2.4mm to SMA Adapters
2.4mm to SMP Adapters
2.4mm to Waveguide Coaxial Adapters
2.92mm Adapters
2.92mm to 1.85mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.4mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.92mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.92mm Flange & Bulkhead Adapters
2.92mm to 3.5mm Adapters
2.92mm to Mini SMP Adapters
2.92mm to N Adapters
2.92mm to SMA Adapters
2.92mm to SSMA Adapters
2.92mm to SMP Adapters
2.92mm to SMPS Adapters
2.92mm to Waveguide
3.5mm Adapters
3.5mm to 1.85mm Adapters
3.5mm to 2.4mm Adapters
3.5mm to 2.92mm Adapters
3.5mm to 3.5mm Adapters
3.5mm to 7mm APC7 Adapters
3.5mm to N Adapters
3.5mm to SMA Adapters
4.1/9.5 Adapters
4.1/9.5 to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
4.1/9.5 to 7/16 Din Adapters
4.1/9.5 to N Adapters
4.3/10 Adapters
4.3/10 to 2.2-5 Adapters
4.3/10 to 4.3/10 Adapters
4.3/10 to 7/16 Adapters
4.3/10 to N Adapters
4.3/10 to SMA Adapters
7/16 DIN Adapters
7/16 to 2.2-5 Adapters
7/16 to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
7/16 to 4.3/10 Adapters
7/16 to 7/16 Adapters
7/16 to HN Adapters
7/16 to N Adapters
7/16 to SC Adapters
7/16 to SMA Adapters
7/16 to Waveguide Adapters
7mm APC7 Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to 10-32 Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to BNC Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to SMA Adapters
BMA to SMA Adapters
BNC Adapters
BNC to 10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
BNC to BNC Adapters
BNC to C Adapters
BNC to F Adapters
BNC to HN Adapters
BNC to MHV Adapters
BNC to N Adapters
BNC to SMA Adapters
BNC to SMB Adapters
BNC to SMC Adapters
C Adapters
C to BNC Adapters
C to N Adapters
Hermetic Adapters
HN Adapters
HN to 7/16 Adapters
HN to BNC Adapters
HN to HN Adapters
HN to N Adapters
HN to SMA Adapters
MCX Adapters
F Adapters
F to BNC Adapters
F to F Adapters
F to N Adapters
F to SMA Adapters
MHV Adapters
MHV to BNC Adapters
MHV to MHV Adapters
MHV to SHV Adapters
MMBX Adapters
MMCX Adapters
MiniSMP Adapters
MiniSMP to 1.85mm Adapters
MiniSMP to 2.4mm Adapters
MiniSMP to 2.92mm Adapters
MiniSMP to SMA Adapters
MiniSMP to MiniSMP Adapters Bullets
N Adapters
N to 1.85mm Adapters
N to 1.0/2.3 Adapters
N to 2.2-5 Adapters
N to 2.4mm Adapters
N to 2.92mm Adapters
N to 3.5mm Adapters
N to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
N to 4.3/10 Adapters
N to 7/16 Adapters
N to 7mm APC7 Adapters
N to BNC Adapters
N to C Adapters
N to F Adapters
N to HN Adapters
N to N Straight Adapters
N to N 75-75ohm & 50-75ohm Adapters
N to N Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
N to N Right Angle Adapters
N to QMA Adapters
N to SC Adapters
N to SMA Adapters
N to SMA Adapters Right Angle
N to SMA Bulkhead Adapters
N to SMA Flange Adapters
N to TNC Adapters
N to Waveguide Adapters
QMA Adapters
QMA to N Adapters
QMA to QMA Adapters
QMA to SMA Adapters
Reverse Polarity Adapters
SC Adapters
SC to 7/16 Adapters
SC to N Adapters
SC to SC Adapters
SHV Adapters
SHV to SHV Adapters
SHV to MHV Adapters
SMA Adapters
SMA to 1.0mm Adapters
SMA to 2.2-5 Adapters
SMA to 1.0/2.3 Adapters
SMA to 10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
SMA to 1.85mm Adapters
SMA to 2.4mm Adapters
SMA to 2.92mm Adapters
SMA to 3.5mm Adapters
SMA to 4.3/10 Adapters
SMA to 7/16 Adapters
SMA to 7mm APC7 Adapters
SMA to BMA Adapters
SMA to BNC Adapters
SMA to F Adapters
SMA to HN Adapters
SMA to MCX Adapters
SMA to MMBX Adapters
SMA to MMCX Adapters
SMA to Mini-SMP Adapters
SMA to N Adapters
SMA to N Right Angle Adapters
SMA to N Bulkhead Adapters
SMA to N Flange Adapters
SMA to QMA Adapters
SMA to SMA 18ghz Adapters Straight
SMA to SMA Bulkhead Adapters 18ghz
SMA to SMA Flange Adapters 18Ghz
SMA to SMA 27ghz Adapters Straight
SMA to SMA 27Ghz Bulkhead & Flange
SMA to SMA 45°, 90°, Swept, T Adapters
SMA to SMB Adapters
SMA to SMC Adapters
SMA to SMP Adapters
SMA to SMP Bulkhead Flange
SMA to SSMA Adapters
SMA to SSMB Adapters
SMA to SSMC Adapters
SMA to TNC Adapters
SMA to TNC Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
SMA to U.FL Adapters
SMA to Waveguide Adapters
SMB Adapters
SMB to SMA Adapters
SMB to SMB Adapters
SMB to BNC Adapters
SMC Adapters
SMC to BNC Adapters
SMC to SMA Adapters
SMP Adapters
SMP to 2.4mm Adapters
SMP to 2.92mm Adapters
SMP to SMA Adapters
SMP to SMA Bulkhead, Flange
SMP to SMP Adapters
SMPS Adapters
SSMA Adapters
SSMA to 2.92mm Adapters
SSMA to SMA Adapters
SSMB Adapters
SSMC Adapters
TNC Adapters
TNC to BNC Adapters
TNC to N Adapters
TNC to SMA Adapters
TNC to SMA Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
TNC to TNC Adapters
TNC to TNC Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
U.FL Adapters
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR10 WR12 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR15 WR19 WR22 Waveguide to Coaxial Adapters
WR28 WR34 WR42 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR51 WR62 WR75 WR90 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR102 WR112 WR137 WR159 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR187 WR229 WR284 WR340 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR430 WR510 WR650 WR770 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR975 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WRD110 WRD180 WRD200 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD250 WRD350 WRD500 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD580 WRD650 WRD750 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD840 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
1.00mm Attenuators
1.85mm Attenuators
2.2-5 Attenuators
2.4mm Attenuators
2.92mm Attenuators
2.92mm Attenuators 2 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 5 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 10 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 20 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 50 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 100 Watts
3.5mm Attenuators
4.3/10 Attenuators
4.3/10 Attenuators 2 Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 15Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 50Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 100Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 300 Watts Low PIM
7/16 DIN Attenuators
BNC Attenuators
N Attenuators
N 6GHZ 2Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 2Watt Round Attenuators
N 6GHZ 5Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 5Watt Round Attenuators
N 6GHZ 10Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 10 Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 25Watt Round Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 25Watt Conduction Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 25Watt Round Attenuators
N 3GHZ 50Watt Round Attenuators
N 4Ghz 50Watt Square Attenuators
N 8Ghz 50Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 50 Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 50 Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 100Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 100 Watt Conduction Square Atten
N 18GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 100Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 150Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 150 Watt Square Attenuators
N 4Ghz 200Watt Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 200Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 250 Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 250 Watt Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 250Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 250Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 8 GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 2.5GHZ 1000Watt Square Attenuators
SMA Attenuators
SMA 3GHZ 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 27Ghz 2 Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 5Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 5Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 8GHZ 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 8Ghz 25Watt Round Attenuators
SMA 8.5GHZ 25Watt Conduction Cooled Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 25Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 50Watt Round Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 50Watt Square Attenuators
SMA 8Ghz 100Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 100Watt Attenuators
TNC Attenuators
TNC Attenuators 2 Watts
TNC Attenuators 250 Watts
Waveguide Attenuators
Bias T's
Cable Assemblies
1.0mm Cable Assemblies
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Flexible
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Formable
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Armored
1.35mm Cable Assemblies
10-32 Microdot Cable Assemblies
1.85mm Cable Assemblies
65 Ghz 1.85mm-1.85mm Formable Cable
67 Ghz 1.85-1.85 Flexible L Loss Phase Stable
67 Ghz 1.85-1.85 Armored Flexible L Loss P Stable
70 Ghz 047 1.85mm-1.85mm Flexible
2.4mm Cable Assemblies
40 Ghz 086 2.4 to 2.92 Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.4 to 2.92 Flexible Low Loss Phase Stable
50 Ghz .047 2.4mm Flexible Cables
50 Ghz 086 2.4mm Flexible Interconnect
50 Ghz 2.4mm Flexible Low Loss Phase Stable
50 Ghz 2.4mm Test L Loss P Stable Aramid Jacket
2.92mm Cable Assemblies
40 Ghz 2.92mm .047 Flexible Cables
40 Ghz 2.92mm - 2.4mm 086 Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - 2.4mm Flexible L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Formable Cables
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.92mm Flexible L Loss P Stable Temp/Flex
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Flexible Tight Curve Cables
40 Ghz 2.92mm Ultra Flexible L Loss P Stable
2.92mm Flexible Test Cables
40 Ghz 2.92 HP160 Flexible Cables L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 2.92mm Armored Test Cables L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 2.92mm Test Aramid L Loss P Stable Jacket
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - Mini SMP 047 Flexible Cable
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - Mini SMP 086 Flexible Cable
40 Ghz 2.92 to SMP Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
4.1/9.5 Cable Assemblies
4.3/10 Cable Assemblies
2.7Ghz Low PIM 4.3/10 Cable Assemblies
3Ghz Low PIM 4.3/10 Corrugated Cable Assemblies
7/16 Cable Assemblies
2.7Ghz Low PIM 7/16 Cable Assemblies
3Ghz Low PIM 7/16 Corrugated Cable Assemblies
BNC Cable Assemblies
N Cable Assemblies
0-6Ghz N Cables
2.7ghz Low PIM N-N
18Ghz Armored N LL Phase Stable
18Ghz High Power LL Phase Stable Over Temp N-N
18GHz Test Low Loss N-N
18GHz Test Low Loss Phase Stable N-N
18GHZ Test Super-Flexible N-N
18ghz Armored Test Flexible N-SMA
18ghz Test Super-Flexible N-SMA
18GHZ N Custom Cables LL142 LL335i
SMA Cable Assemblies
0-6Ghz SMA Flexible Cables
8-18Ghz SMA Cables
27Ghz SMA Cables
SMP Cable Assemblies
18 Ghz 047 SMP R Angle to SMP R Angle Flexible
18 Ghz 047 SMP to SMP R Angle Formable
18 Ghz 047 SMP R Angle to SMP R Angle Formable
18Ghz 086 SMP to SMA Flexible
18Ghz 086 SMP R Angle to SMA Flexible
18Ghz 086 SMP to SMP Flexible
27Ghz 047 SMP to SMA Flexible
40 Ghz SMP to 2.92 Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
40 Ghz SMP to Mini SMP Flexible
40 Ghz SMP to SMP Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
MINI SMP Cable Assemblies
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) RA Mini-SMP to SMA
27 Ghz 047 Mini SMP to SMA
27 Ghz 047 Right Angle Mini SMP to SMA
27ghz Flexible RG405(086) Mini-SMP to SMA
40 Ghz Mini SMP to 2.92 mm
40 Ghz Mini SMP to Mini SMP 047
40 Ghz Mini SMP to SMP 061
TNC Cable Assemblies
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz Misc
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz Times MW or Eq
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz 75 ohm
Raw (Bulk) Cable <40 Ghz
Cable Assemblies Builder
10-32 Cable/PCB Connectors
1.85mm Connectors
2.2-5 Cable Connectors
2.4mm Cable Connectors
2.92mm Cable Connectors
3.5mm Cable Connectors
4.3/10 Cable Connectors
7/16 Din Cable Connectors
BMA Connectors
BNC Cable Connectors
End Launch SMA, 2.92, 2.4, 1.85, 1.0
MCX Cable Connectors
MiniBNC Cable Connectors
MiniSMP Cable Connectors
MMCX Cable Connectors
N Cable Connectors
<6 Ghz
<18 Ghz
NEX10 Cable Connectors
QMA Cable Connectors
SMA Cable Connectors
<6 Ghz
>6 Ghz
SMA Thread In Mounting Connectors
SMB Cable Connectors
SMC Cable Connectors
SMP Connectors
SSMA Cable Connectors
SSMC Cable Connectors
TNC Cable Connectors
Vertical Launch Connectors
1.85mm Couplers
2.92mm Couplers
4.3/10 Couplers
N Couplers
SMA Couplers
SMA Dual Dir. Couplers
DC Blocks
1.85mm 2.4mm 2.92mm SMA DC Blocks
BNC, F, N, and TNC DC Blocks
Dust Caps, Opens
Dust Caps 1.85mm 2.4mm
Dust Caps 4.1/9.5 4.3/10 7/16
Dust Caps BNC, N, TNC
Dust Caps QMA
Dust Caps SMA, 3.5mm, 2.92mm
Angle Adapters
Boot Assemblies
Butterfly Hangars
Grounding Kits
Hoisting Grips
Round Member Adapters
Snap In Hangars
Stackable Support Blocks
Stacked Cable Clamp
Stand Off Adapters
Weatherproofing Kits
Impedance Matching Pads
Single Junction
Dual Junction
Launch Accessories
Network (Commercial) Grade
Network Grade Adapters
BNC Network Grade Adapters
N Network Grade Adapters
Reverse Polarity Network Grade Adapters
SMA Network Grade Adapters
TNC Network Grade Adapters
Network Grade Cables
N Network Grade Cables
SMA Network Grade Cables
Phase Shifters & Trimmers
Pick-off Tee
Power Dividers
1.85mm Dividers
2.4mm Dividers
2.92mm Dividers
3.5mm Dividers
4.3/10 Dividers
BNC Dividers
N Dividers
Resistive Power Dividers
SMA Dividers 2 Way
SMA Dividers 3 Way
SMA Dividers 4 Way
SMA Dividers 6 Way
SMA Dividers 8 Way
SMA Dividers 16 Way
Rotary Joints
Terminations & Loads
1.0 Terminations
1.0/2.3 Terminations
1.35mm Terminations
1.85mm Terminations
2.2-5 Terminations
2.4mm Terminations
2.92mm Terminations
3.5mm Terminations
4.1/9.5 MiniDin Terminations
4.3/10 Terminations
7/16 DIN Terminations
BNC terminations
F Terminations
MiniSMP terminations
N Terminations
N 2Watt Terminations / Loads
N 5 to 50 Watt Terminations & Loads
N 100 & 150 Watt Terminations & Loads
N 250 Watt Terminations & Loads
NEX10 Terminations™
Reverse Polarity Terminations
QMA Terminations
SMA Terminations
SMA Terminations (Loads) 6 - 18ghz 1 & 2 Watts
SMA 6 -18ghz 5 to 100 Watt Terminations
SMA 27ghz Terminations
SMP Terminations / Loads
SSMA Terminations
SSMC Terminations
TNC Terminations
Waveguide Terminations
Tools SMP MiniSMP
Torque Wrenches
1.0 1.35 1.85 2.92 2.4 3.5 Torque Wrenches
2.2-5 Torque Wrenches
4.1/9.5 & 4.3/10 Torque Wrenches
7/16 DIN Torque Wrenches
7mm Torque Wrenches
N Torque Wrenches
NEX10™ Torque Wrenches
SMA Torque Wrenches & Screwdrivers
SSMA Torque Wrenches
SMC & SSMC Torque Wrenches
TNC Torque Wrenches
Waveguide Attenuators
Waveguide Gain Horn Antennas
Waveguide to Coax
Waveguide Straight Section
Waveguide Terminations
Clearance Adapters 0-18Ghz
Clearance Adapters 27-65Ghz
Clearance Cables SMA - BNC
Clearance Cables 6Ghz N LMR240
Clearance Cables 6Ghz SMA LMR200
Clearance Cables 3ghz RG316 SMA-SMA
Clearance Cables 3ghz RG316DS SMA-SMA
Clearance Cables 0-12Ghz
Clearance Cables 12-67Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 3Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 6Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 18Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 40Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 50Ghz
Clearance Terminations
Clearance Misc
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Centric RF
Southwest Microwave
Times Microwave
Huber Suhner
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1.0mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.0mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.35mm Adapters
1.0mm to 1.85mm Adapters
1.0mm to 2.92mm Adapters
1.0mm to SMA Adapters
1.0 to Waveguide Adapters
1.35mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.00 mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.35 mm Adapters
1.35 mm to 1.85 mm Adapters
1.85mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.0mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.35mm Adapters
1.85mm to 1.85mm Adapters
1.85mm to 2.4mm Adapters
1.85mm to 2.92mm Adapters
1.85mm to 3.5mm Adapters
1.85mm to MiniSMP Adapters
1.85mm to N Adapters
1.85mm to SMA Adapters
1.85mm to Waveguide Adapters
1.0/2.3 Adapters
1.0/2.3 to N Adapters
1.0/2.3 to SMA Adapters
2.2-5 Adapters
2.2-5 to 2.2-5 Adapters
2.2-5 to 4.3/10 Adapters
2.2-5 to 7/16 Adapters
2.2-5 to N Adapters
2.2-5 to SMA Adapters
2.4mm Adapters
2.92mm to 1.0mm Adapters
2.4mm to 1.85mm Adapters
2.4mm to 2.4mm Adapters
2.4mm to 2.4mm Flange & Bulkhead Adapters
2.4mm to 2.92mm Adapters
2.4mm to 3.5mm Adapters
2.4mm to MiniSMP Adapters
2.4mm to N Adapters
2.4mm to SMA Adapters
2.4mm to SMP Adapters
2.4mm to Waveguide Coaxial Adapters
2.92mm Adapters
2.92mm to 1.85mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.4mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.92mm Adapters
2.92mm to 2.92mm Flange & Bulkhead Adapters
2.92mm to 3.5mm Adapters
2.92mm to Mini SMP Adapters
2.92mm to N Adapters
2.92mm to SMA Adapters
2.92mm to SSMA Adapters
2.92mm to SMP Adapters
2.92mm to SMPS Adapters
2.92mm to Waveguide
2.92 to Waveguide Adapters
2.92 to Waveguide Antennas
3.5mm Adapters
3.5mm to 1.85mm Adapters
3.5mm to 2.4mm Adapters
3.5mm to 2.92mm Adapters
3.5mm to 3.5mm Adapters
3.5mm to 7mm APC7 Adapters
3.5mm to N Adapters
3.5mm to SMA Adapters
4.1/9.5 Adapters
4.1/9.5 to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
4.1/9.5 to 7/16 Din Adapters
4.1/9.5 to N Adapters
4.3/10 Adapters
4.3/10 to 2.2-5 Adapters
4.3/10 to 4.3/10 Adapters
4.3/10 to 7/16 Adapters
4.3/10 to N Adapters
4.3/10 to SMA Adapters
7/16 DIN Adapters
7/16 to 2.2-5 Adapters
7/16 to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
7/16 to 4.3/10 Adapters
7/16 to 7/16 Adapters
7/16 to HN Adapters
7/16 to N Adapters
7/16 to SC Adapters
7/16 to SMA Adapters
7/16 to Waveguide Adapters
7mm APC7 Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to 10-32 Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to BNC Adapters
10-32 (Microdot) to SMA Adapters
BMA to SMA Adapters
BNC Adapters
BNC to 10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
BNC to BNC Adapters
BNC to C Adapters
BNC to F Adapters
BNC to HN Adapters
BNC to MHV Adapters
BNC to N Adapters
BNC to SMA Adapters
BNC to SMB Adapters
BNC to SMC Adapters
C Adapters
C to BNC Adapters
C to N Adapters
Hermetic Adapters
HN Adapters
HN to 7/16 Adapters
HN to BNC Adapters
HN to HN Adapters
HN to N Adapters
HN to SMA Adapters
MCX Adapters
F Adapters
F to BNC Adapters
F to F Adapters
F to N Adapters
F to SMA Adapters
MHV Adapters
MHV to BNC Adapters
MHV to MHV Adapters
MHV to SHV Adapters
MMBX Adapters
MMCX Adapters
MiniSMP Adapters
MiniSMP to 1.85mm Adapters
MiniSMP to 2.4mm Adapters
MiniSMP to 2.92mm Adapters
MiniSMP to SMA Adapters
MiniSMP to MiniSMP Adapters Bullets
N Adapters
N to 1.85mm Adapters
N to 1.0/2.3 Adapters
N to 2.2-5 Adapters
N to 2.4mm Adapters
N to 2.92mm Adapters
N to 3.5mm Adapters
N to 4.1/9.5 Adapters
N to 4.3/10 Adapters
N to 7/16 Adapters
N to 7mm APC7 Adapters
N to BNC Adapters
N to C Adapters
N to F Adapters
N to HN Adapters
N to N Straight Adapters
N to N 75-75ohm & 50-75ohm Adapters
N to N Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
N to N Right Angle Adapters
N to QMA Adapters
N to SC Adapters
N to SMA Adapters
N to SMA Adapters Right Angle
N to SMA Bulkhead Adapters
N to SMA Flange Adapters
N to TNC Adapters
N to Waveguide Adapters
QMA Adapters
QMA to N Adapters
QMA to QMA Adapters
QMA to SMA Adapters
Reverse Polarity Adapters
SC Adapters
SC to 7/16 Adapters
SC to N Adapters
SC to SC Adapters
SHV Adapters
SHV to SHV Adapters
SHV to MHV Adapters
SMA Adapters
SMA to 1.0mm Adapters
SMA to 2.2-5 Adapters
SMA to 1.0/2.3 Adapters
SMA to 10-32 (Microdot) Adapters
SMA to 1.85mm Adapters
SMA to 2.4mm Adapters
SMA to 2.92mm Adapters
SMA to 3.5mm Adapters
SMA to 4.3/10 Adapters
SMA to 7/16 Adapters
SMA to 7mm APC7 Adapters
SMA to BMA Adapters
SMA to BNC Adapters
SMA to F Adapters
SMA to HN Adapters
SMA to MCX Adapters
SMA to MMBX Adapters
SMA to MMCX Adapters
SMA to Mini-SMP Adapters
SMA to N Adapters
SMA to N Right Angle Adapters
SMA to N Bulkhead Adapters
SMA to N Flange Adapters
SMA to QMA Adapters
SMA to SMA 18ghz Adapters Straight
SMA to SMA Bulkhead Adapters 18ghz
SMA to SMA Flange Adapters 18Ghz
SMA to SMA 27ghz Adapters Straight
SMA to SMA 27Ghz Bulkhead & Flange
SMA to SMA 45°, 90°, Swept, T Adapters
SMA to SMB Adapters
SMA to SMC Adapters
SMA to SMP Adapters
SMA to SMP Bulkhead Flange
SMA to SSMA Adapters
SMA to SSMB Adapters
SMA to SSMC Adapters
SMA to TNC Adapters
SMA to TNC Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
SMA to U.FL Adapters
SMA to Waveguide Adapters
SMB Adapters
SMB to SMA Adapters
SMB to SMB Adapters
SMB to BNC Adapters
SMC Adapters
SMC to BNC Adapters
SMC to SMA Adapters
SMP Adapters
SMP to 2.4mm Adapters
SMP to 2.92mm Adapters
SMP to SMA Adapters
SMP to SMA Bulkhead, Flange
SMP to SMP Adapters
SMPS Adapters
SSMA Adapters
SSMA to 2.92mm Adapters
SSMA to SMA Adapters
SSMB Adapters
SSMC Adapters
TNC Adapters
TNC to BNC Adapters
TNC to N Adapters
TNC to SMA Adapters
TNC to SMA Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
TNC to TNC Adapters
TNC to TNC Bulkhead & Flange Adapters
U.FL Adapters
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR10 WR12 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR15 WR19 WR22 Waveguide to Coaxial Adapters
WR28 WR34 WR42 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR51 WR62 WR75 WR90 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR102 WR112 WR137 WR159 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR187 WR229 WR284 WR340 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR430 WR510 WR650 WR770 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WR975 Waveguide to Coax Adapters
WRD110 WRD180 WRD200 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD250 WRD350 WRD500 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD580 WRD650 WRD750 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
WRD840 Double Ridge WG Coax Adapters
1.00mm Attenuators
1.85mm Attenuators
2.2-5 Attenuators
2.4mm Attenuators
2.92mm Attenuators
2.92mm Attenuators 2 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 5 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 10 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 20 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 50 Watts
2.92mm Attenuators 100 Watts
3.5mm Attenuators
4.3/10 Attenuators
4.3/10 Attenuators 2 Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 15Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 50Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 100Watts
4.3/10 Attenuators 300 Watts Low PIM
7/16 DIN Attenuators
BNC Attenuators
N Attenuators
N 6GHZ 2Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 2Watt Round Attenuators
N 6GHZ 5Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 5Watt Round Attenuators
N 6GHZ 10Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 10 Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 25Watt Round Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 25Watt Conduction Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 25Watt Round Attenuators
N 3GHZ 50Watt Round Attenuators
N 4Ghz 50Watt Square Attenuators
N 8Ghz 50Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 50 Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 50 Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 100Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 100 Watt Conduction Square Atten
N 18GHZ 100Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 100Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 150Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 150 Watt Square Attenuators
N 4Ghz 200Watt Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 200Watt Round Attenuators
N 4GHZ 250 Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 250 Watt Square Attenuators
N 18GHZ 250Watt Round Attenuators
N 18GHZ 250Watt Square Attenuators
N 4GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 8 GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 8.5GHZ 500Watt Square Attenuators
N 2.5GHZ 1000Watt Square Attenuators
SMA Attenuators
SMA 3GHZ 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 2Watt Attenuators
SMA 27Ghz 2 Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 5Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 5Watt Attenuators
SMA 6GHZ 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 8GHZ 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 10Watt Attenuators
SMA 8Ghz 25Watt Round Attenuators
SMA 8.5GHZ 25Watt Conduction Cooled Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 25Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 50Watt Round Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 50Watt Square Attenuators
SMA 8Ghz 100Watt Attenuators
SMA 18Ghz 100Watt Attenuators
TNC Attenuators
TNC Attenuators 2 Watts
TNC Attenuators 250 Watts
Waveguide Attenuators
Bias T's
Cable Assemblies
1.0mm Cable Assemblies
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Flexible
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Formable
110 Ghz 1.0mm-1.0mm Armored
1.35mm Cable Assemblies
10-32 Microdot Cable Assemblies
1.85mm Cable Assemblies
65 Ghz 1.85mm-1.85mm Formable Cable
67 Ghz 1.85-1.85 Flexible L Loss Phase Stable
67 Ghz 1.85-1.85 Armored Flexible L Loss P Stable
70 Ghz 047 1.85mm-1.85mm Flexible
2.4mm Cable Assemblies
40 Ghz 086 2.4 to 2.92 Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.4 to 2.92 Flexible Low Loss Phase Stable
50 Ghz .047 2.4mm Flexible Cables
50 Ghz 086 2.4mm Flexible Interconnect
50 Ghz 2.4mm Flexible Low Loss Phase Stable
50 Ghz 2.4mm Test L Loss P Stable Aramid Jacket
2.92mm Cable Assemblies
40 Ghz 2.92mm .047 Flexible Cables
40 Ghz 2.92mm - 2.4mm 086 Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - 2.4mm Flexible L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Formable Cables
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Flexible Interconnect
40 Ghz 2.92mm Flexible L Loss P Stable Temp/Flex
40 Ghz 086 2.92mm Flexible Tight Curve Cables
40 Ghz 2.92mm Ultra Flexible L Loss P Stable
2.92mm Flexible Test Cables
40 Ghz 2.92 HP160 Flexible Cables L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 2.92mm Armored Test Cables L Loss P Stable
40 Ghz 2.92mm Test Aramid L Loss P Stable Jacket
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - Mini SMP 047 Flexible Cable
40 Ghz 2.92 mm - Mini SMP 086 Flexible Cable
40 Ghz 2.92 to SMP Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
4.1/9.5 Cable Assemblies
4.3/10 Cable Assemblies
2.7Ghz Low PIM 4.3/10 Cable Assemblies
3Ghz Low PIM 4.3/10 Corrugated Cable Assemblies
7/16 Cable Assemblies
2.7Ghz Low PIM 7/16 Cable Assemblies
3Ghz Low PIM 7/16 Corrugated Cable Assemblies
BNC Cable Assemblies
N Cable Assemblies
0-6Ghz N Cables
2.7ghz Low PIM N-N
18Ghz Armored N LL Phase Stable
18Ghz High Power LL Phase Stable Over Temp N-N
18GHz Test Low Loss N-N
18GHz Test Low Loss Phase Stable N-N
18GHZ Test Super-Flexible N-N
18ghz Armored Test Flexible N-SMA
18ghz Test Super-Flexible N-SMA
18GHZ N Custom Cables LL142 LL335i
SMA Cable Assemblies
0-6Ghz SMA Flexible Cables
8-18Ghz SMA Cables
18ghz Formable 047 SMA-SMA Cable
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) SMA-SMA
18ghz Flexible RG402(141) SMA-SMA
18ghz Formable 086 SMA SMA Cable
18ghz 141 Test Flexible SMA 90° Cables
18ghz 141 Test Flexible SMA-SMA Cables
18ghz Formable 141 SMA-SMA Cable
18Ghz Armored SMA LL Phase Stable
18ghz Armored Test Flexible SMA-N
18Ghz Superflexible SMA-SMA Cables
18ghz Ultra Flexible SMA-SMA Cables
18ghz Superflexible SMA-N
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) SMA-SMP
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) SMA-SMP/RA
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) SMA-MiniSMP
27Ghz SMA Cables
26.5 ghz 086 Flexible Tight Curve SMA-SMA
26.5 ghz Flexible Armored L Loss P Stable TVAC
27 Ghz 047 Flexible SMA-SMA
27ghz Flexible RG405(086) SMA-SMA
27 Ghz 141 Test Flexible SMA-SMA
27Ghz Flexible Aramid Jacket L Loss P Stable
27Ghz Ultra Flexible SMA L Loss P Stable
27 Ghz 047 Flexible SMA to SMP
27 Ghz 047 Flexible SMA to Mini SMP
27 Ghz 047 Flexible Right Angle SMA to Mini SMP
27 Ghz 061 Flexible SMA-SMP
27ghz Flexible 086 SMA-MiniSMP
SMP Cable Assemblies
18 Ghz 047 SMP R Angle to SMP R Angle Flexible
18 Ghz 047 SMP to SMP R Angle Formable
18 Ghz 047 SMP R Angle to SMP R Angle Formable
18Ghz 086 SMP to SMA Flexible
18Ghz 086 SMP R Angle to SMA Flexible
18Ghz 086 SMP to SMP Flexible
27Ghz 047 SMP to SMA Flexible
40 Ghz SMP to 2.92 Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
40 Ghz SMP to Mini SMP Flexible
40 Ghz SMP to SMP Flexible LL Phase & Amp Stable
MINI SMP Cable Assemblies
18ghz Flexible RG405(086) RA Mini-SMP to SMA
27 Ghz 047 Mini SMP to SMA
27 Ghz 047 Right Angle Mini SMP to SMA
27ghz Flexible RG405(086) Mini-SMP to SMA
40 Ghz Mini SMP to 2.92 mm
40 Ghz Mini SMP to Mini SMP 047
40 Ghz Mini SMP to SMP 061
TNC Cable Assemblies
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz Misc
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz Times MW or Eq
Raw (Bulk) Cable <6 Ghz 75 ohm
Raw (Bulk) Cable <40 Ghz
Cable Assemblies Builder
10-32 Cable/PCB Connectors
1.85mm Connectors
2.2-5 Cable Connectors
2.4mm Cable Connectors
2.92mm Cable Connectors
3.5mm Cable Connectors
4.3/10 Cable Connectors
7/16 Din Cable Connectors
BMA Connectors
BNC Cable Connectors
End Launch SMA, 2.92, 2.4, 1.85, 1.0
MCX Cable Connectors
MiniBNC Cable Connectors
MiniSMP Cable Connectors
MMCX Cable Connectors
N Cable Connectors
<6 Ghz
<18 Ghz
NEX10 Cable Connectors
QMA Cable Connectors
SMA Cable Connectors
<6 Ghz
>6 Ghz
SMA Thread In Mounting Connectors
SMB Cable Connectors
SMC Cable Connectors
SMP Connectors
SSMA Cable Connectors
SSMC Cable Connectors
TNC Cable Connectors
Vertical Launch Connectors
1.85mm Couplers
2.92mm Couplers
4.3/10 Couplers
N Couplers
SMA Couplers
SMA Dual Dir. Couplers
DC Blocks
1.85mm 2.4mm 2.92mm SMA DC Blocks
BNC, F, N, and TNC DC Blocks
Dust Caps, Opens
Dust Caps 1.85mm 2.4mm
Dust Caps 4.1/9.5 4.3/10 7/16
Dust Caps BNC, N, TNC
Dust Caps QMA
Dust Caps SMA, 3.5mm, 2.92mm
Angle Adapters
Boot Assemblies
Butterfly Hangars
Grounding Kits
Hoisting Grips
Round Member Adapters
Snap In Hangars
Stackable Support Blocks
Stacked Cable Clamp
Stand Off Adapters
Weatherproofing Kits
Impedance Matching Pads
Single Junction
Dual Junction
Launch Accessories
Network (Commercial) Grade
Network Grade Adapters
BNC Network Grade Adapters
BNC to SMA Adapters
N Network Grade Adapters
N to N Adapters
N to SMA Adapters
Reverse Polarity Network Grade Adapters
SMA Network Grade Adapters
SMA to BNC Adapters
SMA to N Adapters
SMA to SMA Adapters
SMA to TNC Adapters
TNC Network Grade Adapters
TNC to SMA Adapters
Network Grade Cables
N Network Grade Cables
SMA Network Grade Cables
Phase Shifters & Trimmers
Pick-off Tee
Power Dividers
1.85mm Dividers
2.4mm Dividers
2.92mm Dividers
3.5mm Dividers
4.3/10 Dividers
BNC Dividers
N Dividers
Resistive Power Dividers
SMA Dividers 2 Way
SMA Dividers 3 Way
SMA Dividers 4 Way
SMA Dividers 6 Way
SMA Dividers 8 Way
SMA Dividers 16 Way
Rotary Joints
Terminations & Loads
1.0 Terminations
1.0/2.3 Terminations
1.35mm Terminations
1.85mm Terminations
2.2-5 Terminations
2.4mm Terminations
2.92mm Terminations
3.5mm Terminations
4.1/9.5 MiniDin Terminations
4.3/10 Terminations
7/16 DIN Terminations
BNC terminations
F Terminations
MiniSMP terminations
N Terminations
N 2Watt Terminations / Loads
N 5 to 50 Watt Terminations & Loads
N 100 & 150 Watt Terminations & Loads
N 250 Watt Terminations & Loads
NEX10 Terminations™
Reverse Polarity Terminations
QMA Terminations
SMA Terminations
SMA Terminations (Loads) 6 - 18ghz 1 & 2 Watts
SMA 6 -18ghz 5 to 100 Watt Terminations
SMA 27ghz Terminations
SMP Terminations / Loads
SSMA Terminations
SSMC Terminations
TNC Terminations
Waveguide Terminations
Tools SMP MiniSMP
Torque Wrenches
1.0 1.35 1.85 2.92 2.4 3.5 Torque Wrenches
2.2-5 Torque Wrenches
4.1/9.5 & 4.3/10 Torque Wrenches
7/16 DIN Torque Wrenches
7mm Torque Wrenches
N Torque Wrenches
NEX10™ Torque Wrenches
SMA Torque Wrenches & Screwdrivers
SSMA Torque Wrenches
SMC & SSMC Torque Wrenches
TNC Torque Wrenches
Waveguide Attenuators
Waveguide Gain Horn Antennas
Waveguide to Coax
Waveguide Straight Section
Waveguide Terminations
Clearance Adapters 0-18Ghz
Clearance Adapters 27-65Ghz
Clearance Cables SMA - BNC
Clearance Cables 6Ghz N LMR240
Clearance Cables 6Ghz SMA LMR200
Clearance Cables 3ghz RG316 SMA-SMA
Clearance Cables 3ghz RG316DS SMA-SMA
Clearance Cables 0-12Ghz
Clearance Cables 12-67Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 3Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 6Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 18Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 40Ghz
Clearance Attenuators 50Ghz
Clearance Terminations
Clearance Misc
C0520-06B Coupler SMA 0.5-2Ghz 6dB VSWR 1.2
C0520-06B Coupler SMA 0.5-2Ghz 6dB VSWR 1.2
Try Substitute Product - C0520-06